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Many fitness franchises have become boutique studios, keeping up with current trends. The women's gym Curves has lost its luster of attracting a younger audience, therefore, a decline of recognition to the brand. To successfully rebrand this company, I wanted to respect and keep current loyal members while attracting a younger generation of members. Today's generation has a dedication to boot camp style workouts as well as "insta-worthy" gyms. A solution to regain brand recognition is creating a modern atmosphere without the presence of body shaming. I created a logo that illustrates an abstraction of the woman's body and how curves embrace the female body as a positive image. The roundness of the logo and soft edges influence the femininity and caring nature of a woman. To show a fresh take on the brand, I chose a bold san serif type and chose a soft color palette that can also have sharp contrast when put together in product, packaging, and apparel.